Hope Kitchen
Pilot Upcycle and Repair Shop: Oban
The charity will pilot an upcycling, repair, and short date food shop in Oban, providing affordable food, clothing and homeware whilst also reducing waste. They will deliver workshops and events to enable people to learn the skills to repair and upcycle. The shop aims to alleviate the impacts of poverty, specifically by reducing food and textile waste, and improving skills.
Website: https://www.hopekitchen.org.uk/
Lancashire Women
Home Repair Service for Vulnerable Women
This project aims to create a social enterprise which provides female trade services across Lancashire, with the primary outcome of addressing social issues related to poverty, the cost-of-living crisis and inadequate housing, and secondary benefits of creating well-paid flexible jobs for women, whilst promoting gender equality in a male-dominated sector and a exploring a new, self-sustaining income stream for the charity.
Website: https://lancashirewomen.org/
LifeCare Edinburgh
Community Care for Everyone
This project will deliver significant, life-changing benefits for the growing population of older people living on low incomes, providing practical help within the home, companionship, and hot freshly cooked meals, improving both physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Over 210 vulnerable older people will feel secured and supported, remain connected, eat well and enabled to thrive in their own homes.
Website: https://www.lifecare-edinburgh.org.uk/
People Know How
Reconnect: Digital and wellbeing community support
By working directly with local communities, the charity will eradicate digital exclusion by providing place-based digital support in collaboration with local community partners.
Website: https://peopleknowhow.org/
Tenovus Cancer Care
By Your Side: Welfare support for people facing poverty due to cancer
A cancer diagnosis routinely causes intense financial difficulties on top of heartache and grief. To ease this, the charity will employ a Benefits Advisor who will secure £1million for 400 families facing cancer. Ensuring their clients feel supported appropriately in specialist circumstances as needed i.e, make sure they have bereavement support through partnership with Marie Curie. In doing so, it increases people’s available income, improve their sense of wellbeing, and reduce their money worries.
Website: https://www.tenovuscancercare.org.uk/
Volunteering Hebrides
Souper Food Initiative
The project will work across the very remote Northwest Islands of Scotland to reduce poverty across the population by supporting employers to reduce in-work food poverty via practical toolkits and incorporating local grassroot producers in direct delivery.
Website: https://thirdsectorhebrides.org.uk/
Winter Comfort for the Homeless
Restart Programme
The project will provide a wide range of support activities to get homeless and vulnerably housed men and women back into work. It’s designed to help people increase their confidence and self-esteem, learn new skills, gain qualifications, and work experience to secure paid employment. With the aim of supporting 150 people over the twelve months.
Website: https://www.wintercomfort.org.uk
Young Roots
Supporting skills development for young refugees and asylum seekers in Brent
The Young Development Programme supports young refugees and asylum seekers to develop their leadership and communication skills. Young people will improve their confidence through their Young Volunteers’ scheme, 1:1 work-readiness support, and life-skills workshops. The Advice and Support Hub also supports young people experiencing poverty and homelessness, through their one-to-one Casework drop-in.
Website: www.youngroots.org.uk