Archaeology Scotland
Energy Through Time
The project will work with teachers, children, and young people from the most deprived quintile to co-design inclusive and engaging enquiry-based learning activities and challenging skills development through levels 2 and 3 of the Employability Pipeline that encourages them to explore ‘Energy Through Time’. How did the communities heat their homes, power their mills, or keep their food cool and fresh?
Website: https://www.archaeologyscotland.org.uk/

Deafblind UK
Standing Out, Fitting In & Moving Forward (Phase 2)
Deafblind have the research and evidence, now they must act and instigate change for these children and families. In this next phase, they plan to act on the revelatory findings from our SO&FI report, progress our existing work to include Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) children aged 0-5 years, and continue to raise awareness in schools about deafblindness and temporary hearing and sight limitations. The charity wants to support a wider range of children affected, through awareness raising initiatives and platforms, and by providing vital resources for children, parents, and schools. They wish to research and share models of best practice around the support of deafblind children and their families, including suggestions for social gatherings and peer support platforms.
Website: https://www.deafblind.org.uk/

Footprints Conductive Education Centre
Communication & Connection Project
This project aims to support children of all abilities to develop communication skills to connect with the world around them, increasing children’s ability to understand others and to make themselves understood. The charity hopes that this project can improve independence, wellbeing, and to reduce isolation as children develop social skills, and meaningful relationships.
Website: https://www.footprintscec.org/

Ocean Extravaganza: Extended
Building on their existing programme, the charity will adapt the ‘Ocean Extravaganza’ show for a new audience, extending their reach across Wales. Engaging with over 4,000 children and young people, their inclusive and high-quality educational enrichment programme will inspire the next generation to become environmentally responsible adults, empowered with knowledge on how to take positive action.
Website: https://www.techniquest.org/