Aspire Independent Living Service
The Aspire Independent Living Service strives to support people paralysed by spinal cord injuries, from their first days in hospital and throughout the rest of their lives, to lead fulfilled and independent lives in their homes, with their families, in their workplace and in leisure time. The grant from the Foundation is funding Independent Living Advisors, all of whom have a spinal cord injury themselves, at 8 NHS Spinal Cord Injury Centres (SCICs) across the UK (Southport, Salisbury, Wakefield, Oswestry, Sheffield, Middlesbrough, Stanmore and Stoke Mandeville).
Website: https://www.aspire.org.uk/

Dads Unlimited
Improving Men's Mental Health and Wellbeing and Reducing Inequalities following Family Separation or Domestic Abuse
Dads Unlimited improves men's mental health and wellbeing and reduces suicidal ideation for men who have been through family breakdown or have been victims of domestic abuse. The project empowers men, helping them to improve the quality of their relationship with their children and their communications with their ex-partners. We reduce conflict, save lives, and make a positive impact over generations.
Website: https://www.dadsunltd.org.uk/

Home-Start Falkirk
Family Support Hubs
Home-Start Falkirk provides early intervention services for vulnerable children and their families, helping families build resilience and confidence, reducing more intensive interventions by statutory agencies. The project is continuing to deliver 5 Family Support Hubs in Falkirk's most deprived locations, focussing on families with at least one child under 5 years of age, who are experiencing mental or physical ill-health, financial difficulties or addiction.
Website: https://hsfalkirk.org.uk/

Magic Breakfast
Magic Breakfast in Scotland
Magic Breakfast is providing barrier free access to healthy, nutritious breakfasts to end child morning classroom hunger and ensure no child is too hungry to learn in Scotland. Around 3000 children and young people are benefitting every school day, in schools with a significant proportion of children and young people in SIMD Deciles 1 to 4.
Website: https://www.magicbreakfast.com/

Sands Befrienders
Sands is diversifying its UK-wide network of community-based peer support for those impacted by pregnancy and baby loss. Building on our experience, we are equipping grassroots communities with relevant training and the tools to support one another, to reach those most vulnerable to pregnancy and baby loss, and ensure parents can access support, irrespective of their postcode, ethnicity, or income.
Website: https://www.sands.org.uk/

Smart Works Scotland
Supporting Black Minority Ethnic (BME) Women into Sustainable Employment
The project supports BAME women across Scotland to develop the skills, confidence and self-belief they need to secure sustainable employment and gain financial independence. The face-to-face service supports women across Greater Glasgow and the virtual service reaches women across Scotland. Services include Strengths-based Career Coaching, First Dressing and Interview Coaching, Second Dressing, and Mentoring Support.
Website: https://scotland.smartworks.org.uk/

Stable Life
Stable Life
The project delivers a structured programme for vulnerable young people in the Scottish Borders, which includes Equine Assisted Therapy/Learning, riding lessons and psychosocial based interventions. The project also offers transitional work placements for young people who would normally struggle in traditional work situations, supporting them as they learn the skills required for employment, and provides peer volunteering opportunities for young people who have been supported.
Website: https://stablelife.org.uk/

The Renewal Programme
Newham: United Against Food Waste
The project tackles food waste and food insecurity in Newham, by recruiting a Food-Waste Reduction Coordinator who secures regular donations of food for foodbanks, that would otherwise be wasted. The project is also establishing Newham's first culturally appropriate 'community pantry'. Food will be transported in a low-emission way by securing 2 cargo bikes.
Website: https://www.renewalprogramme.org.uk/