Edinburgh Science Foundation
Generation Science
The project is developing and piloting two new Generation Science workshops, which will provide improved science education through innovative and engaging workshops in primary schools across Scotland, delivered by trained Science Communicators. The new topics will fill gaps within the current Generation Science programme and address the emerging educational interest and demand in climate change and renewable energy.
Website: https://www.sciencefestival.co.uk/

Leeds Culture Trust
SMEATON 300: Designing Smeaton Park
The project is inspiring children and young people to develop innovative solutions to real-life challenges facing the team behind an ambitious new project to transform a disused space into a public park memorializing John Smeaton, the Leeds-born founder of civil engineering. Pupils are using their creativity and STEM-subject knowledge to collaboratively devise innovative solutions.
Website: https://leeds2023.co.uk/

Ocean Extravaganza
The Oceans Extravaganza programme is an educational enrichment programme which is inspiring and empowering the next generation to be more environmentally responsible adults. Funding is developing and delivering the Oceans Extravaganza show in its entirety, including on-site busking to audiences outside of the show, and free teacher resources for all participating schools. Free of charge access is being provided to primary school pupils and families from the most deprived areas of Southeast Wales.
Website: https://www.techniquest.org/

Volunteer Tutors Organisation
The Learning Communities Project
The Volunteer Tutor Organisation (VTO) Learning Hub network is a key service in supporting children living in poverty and affected by the poverty related attainment gap. Following Covid, the highly impactful Hubs had to be suspended. The project aims to run 28 Hubs (continuing with 14, reinstating 9 that have been suspended since Covid and adding 5 new Hubs), improving academic attainment, confidence, self-esteem, engagement and motivation to learn.
Website: https://www.vtoscotland.org/