Durham Wildlife Trust
Cuthbert Moor Restoration
Cuthbert’s Moor, one of northern England’s most important upland sites, requires sympathetic management to realise its true ecological and environmental potential. This project is beginning to restore peat and blanket bog habitats; delivering extensive baseline surveys, setting up volunteering opportunities and citizen science engagement activities with schools and a cross section of communities, and delivering practical habitat management.
Website: https://www.durhamwt.com/

Glasgow Science Centre
Earth Allies
The Earth Allies programme is an engaging course for young people aged 16-24 from underserved communities which aims to equip them with the tools to be advocates for climate action. Over twelve weeks, participants are building their knowledge of the key issues while learning essential skills like public speaking, online campaigning and filmmaking.
Website: https://www.glasgowsciencecentre.org/

Scottish Wildlife Trust
Action for Nature in Ayrshire
The next phase of Action for Nature is reaching out to new audiences and expanding the scope of activities delivered by volunteers and community groups. The project is boosting biodiversity and enhancing access to greenspace. It is also improving community wellbeing and building the capacity of local people to protect the nature in their neighbourhood.
Website: https://scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/

Trees for Life
Enrick Riverwoods Restoration
The Affric Highlands initiative aims to facilitate a partnership of communities and landowners, to increase natural capital through rewilding and create sustainable nature-based economies. The project aims to achieve an innovative model for ecological restoration, that increases capacity for carbon sequestration, retains the economic value of land within local communities, and demonstrates potential for replication and adaptation in other locations. The Enrick Riverwoods Restoration project is delivering the creation of 2km of woodland along the River Enrick.
Website: https://treesforlife.org.uk/