Advancement of citizenship and community development
See how we are honouring the fantastic achievements of individuals and companies across the UK by browsing our huge range of ScottishPower Foundation 2015 citizenship and community development projects below. We also have a wide variety of ScottishPower Foundation 2014 citizenship and community development projects available for you to view online today.
Your Champions/ Your Heroes
Over the last 27 years Trinity Mirror has established and developed an unrivalled and hugely successful community awards programme which recognises individuals and groups within the local communities of Cheshire, Wirral and North East Wales and similar community awards in Sefton & West Lancashire and North Wales who really make a difference in those communities.
Funding will support the organisation of the award ceremonies in Chester, Llandudno and Southport where the winners, whose selfless acts make such a difference to the lives of others, are presented with their awards in the following categories: Young Person, Team, Volunteer, Sport and Champion Person.

ScottishPower Foundation Awards
These awards recognise and celebrate the amazing achievements of the charities and non-profit organisations that have received funding from the ScottishPower Foundation during the year.
Representatives from each organisation are invited to attend the celebration event, with the chance to win an award in a number of categories to further enhance the hugely valuable services that they currently provide.

Trees for Life
Trees for Life is an award-winning charity working to restore Scotland's ancient Caledonian Forest. Its long-term vision is to restore natural forests and rare wildlife to a spectacular wilderness region of the Scottish Highlands, including its 10,000 acre Dundreggan Estate.
Funding will help to deliver an exciting programme of conservation volunteering opportunities in 2015, expanding a successfully piloted initiative, which will develop active citizenship and enhance the employability of young people whilst improving the natural environment.
Clwyd Theatr Cymru
Clwyd Theatr Cymru is North Wales’ major drama producing operation, originally built as a Regional Arts Centre. It is the home of a highly acclaimed producing company, which also presents much of its work on tour throughout Wales and the rest of the UK. The company produces mainly in English, but also in Welsh. There is a fully integrated Theatre for Young People department which uses the same performers, technicians and creative staff.
Funding will support two weeks of the “Justice in a Day” tour; a project that uses professional actors to examine, in a hard hitting and realistic drama, the causes and consequences of becoming involved in the criminal justice system.

Shine’s main purpose is to improve the lives of people living with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Its long-term strategy is to create a robust supportive community network of young people, who can access peer support, confidence building activities, skills training and specialist health and education information.
The ‘Movers and Shakers’ project is designed to strengthen and grow the national young people’s community network, helping young people with disabilities to become leaders of their community. The project, facilitated by a youth worker, will work creatively to harness their potential whilst considering the needs arising from physical and learning disabilities.