Our ScottishPower Renewables Director of Policy and Regulation, Kate Turner, is standing for election to the Scottish Renewables Board. She explains below why she is seeking the support of Scottish Renewables members.
Scotland has a unique opportunity to lead the world in the transition to a sustainable and low-carbon future, and I am committed to doing my part to make that vision a reality.
I have over 20 years’ experience in the renewable energy sector coupled with a strong understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. As Director of Policy and Regulation at ScottishPower Renewables, where we are investing in onshore wind, solar and battery storage alongside our investments in offshore wind (including floating wind), I am responsible for influencing energy policy, grid regulation, aviation and planning/consenting affecting renewables onshore and offshore across the UK and Ireland.
I am a board member of RenewableUK and hold key roles with the Wind Energy Ireland Council, RenewableNI Committee and the Scottish Government’s Renewable Energy Strategic Leadership Group.
I am excited about the opportunities that a faster transition to renewable energy in Scotland will bring - driving innovation and technological advancement whilst securing home grown renewable energy (onshore and offshore) for future generations and communities, delivering substantial economic investment, sustainable supply chain growth and lasting career opportunities.
Scotland boasts a proud heritage of innovation and engineering influence on the world and it’s exciting to see it take centre stage once again with ScotWind and the development of Floating Offshore technology at scale. Through wider collaboration, can we continue to grow the sector at pace, creating a brighter and more sustainable future for Scotland and continue to lead the world in pioneering renewable energy projects.
It would be a great honour for me to continue to serve Scottish Renewables members and the wider renewables industry on the Board at Scottish Renewables and I thank you for your consideration.