Energy and Tourism Minister Fergus Ewing will join ScottishPower Renewables CEO Keith Anderson and pupils from Howford Primary School today (March 5th), to officially launch the activity programme at Whitelee Windfarm Visitor Centre for 2012.
Approximately 200,000 people have been to Whitelee’s visitor centre since it opened in September 2009, making it one of the most popular eco-attractions in the Scotland. Conservative estimates suggest that at least 50,000 further visitors have directly accessed the 90km of tracks of roads for recreational purposes such as jogging and cycling.
The £2m visitor centre includes a range of interactive displays and exhibitions, including a number of new and refreshed attractions for 2012. A separate learning hub, staffed by Glasgow Science Centre experts, caters for primary and secondary school visits. Workshop sessions are tailored to specific age groups to teach pupils more about the technology and science behind renewable energy. More than 9,000 pupils have visited Whitelee so far as part of a school trip.
Whitelee also has its own Countryside Ranger Service, who recently announced an extensive list of free family-themed events at the windfarm for 2012. In March alone the Ranger Service will be hosting a guided walk to celebrate the spring equinox, carrying out a photography workshop and holding an evening talk about the hidden history of the windfarm site.
Keith Anderson, CEO of ScottishPower Renewables said: ”The popularity of the windfarm as a visitor attraction for schools and families and outdoor sports enthusiasts has completely surpassed our expectations. The centre is managed exceptionally well by the Glasgow Science Centre team, and we are both encouraged by the number of schools who have visited to see the site and to learn about renewable energy.
“I have also been very encouraged by the genuine enthusiasm shown by so many members of the public to see for themselves firsthand what a windfarm looks and sounds like and to find out more about renewable energy.
“The creation of Whitelee has seen large sections of the countryside become accessible for the first time and the windfarm has been responsible for a major increase in people accessing Eaglesham Moor.”
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Media Information: Paul Ferguson, 0141 614 4535 / 07702 665 924