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ScottishPower's Statement On Smart Meters


Willie MacDiarmid, Director of Energy Retail at ScottishPower, said: “ScottishPower welcomes today’s further commitment by the Government to roll-out smart meters across every home and business in Britain by the end of 2020. There is no doubt that smart electricity and gas meters will have a positive impact on our energy habits and consumption, not only helping to reduce bills, but also cutting overall carbon emissions.

“Smart electricity and gas meters will provide precise real time information on energy consumption to customers thereby enabling them to better manage their energy use. They will also mean the end of estimated bills and manual meter readings, so there will never be any doubt about the cost of energy.

“We look forward to further discussions with the Government on the final delivery model, and are encouraged that they also intend to continue to work during the consultation period to review whether the electricity and gas distribution network businesses should have a greater role in relation to smart meters.”

Media Information, Paul Ferguson 0141 566 4515 / 07702 665 924

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