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ScottishPower Seeking Permission To Demolish Disused Site At Townhill


ScottishPower is seeking permission to demolish the remaining buildings at the disused Townhill Power Station in Dunfermline, paving the way for potential future development at the site, which has been subject to graffiti and vandalism in recent years.
Phase one of the project will see all the remaining structures demolished to ground floor slab level. The brick work will then be recycled to fill any trenches, ducts and voids within the basement structure of the main turbine hall.  The existing site embankments will also be re-graded and the structural steel sections will be removed and recycled. 

As well as the demolition work, ScottishPower will work with Fife Council, Scottish Natural Heritage and SEPA to carry out a full environmental impact assessment. This will include a land survey and evaluation of wildlife and plant life on the site.

Many of the original structures were removed a long time ago, including the twin brick chimneys, but ScottishPower is keen for the site to be completely secured.

Ken Marshall, project manager at ScottishPower, explained: “Reports of break-ins and vandalism at the Townhill site have been increasing in recent years, so we will be very pleased  when final permission is granted to remove the remaining buildings – some of which are not in the best condition because they have been largely unused for  thirty years. We plan to start this work in early summer 2008.

“No final plans have been made for the future use of the land, but this initial work will secure the site and make it safe, improving the local landscape. We then intend to work closely with Fife Council and the local community to bring forward options for the redevelopment of this brownfield land.”

Townhill Power Station was opened in 1909, originally operating as a coal fired facility responsible for powering the local tram system. It was redesigned as a twin gas turbine station in the mid 1960’s before being decommissioned in 1985 by the South of Scotland Electricity Board.

Media Information: Paul Ferguson 0141 636 4557 / 07702665924

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