Addressing the SCDI's 'Scotland's Energy Future Conference' in Edinburgh (09 September), Keith Anderson, Director of ScottishPower Renewables, highlighted the need for major investment in the electricity grid network in order for Scotland to realise its potential as a word leader in renewable energy.
Keith Anderson said: “Scotland is already a major developer of wind energy and once the full potential of wave and tidal is untapped, we will open-up industrial opportunities on the same scale as North Sea Oil.
“It is vital therefore, that Scotland has a modern and robust electricity grid network to support the generation and distribution of energy from these new sources. It is important that work begins now on upgrading strategic assets to support this expansion. A lack of investment or a lack of determination to see projects go ahead will seriously undermine Scotland’s ability to achieve renewable energy targets, and in the long-term it will severely restrict the growth potential of the renewable energy industry and the positive impact that this could have on the economy.”
Notes to Editors:
ScottishPower Renewables and Iberdrola Renewables combined are the World’s No.1 renewable energy developer. Key stats:
• 8,000 MW of installed capacity
• 40,000 MW in pipeline
• 22 million customers
• Operate in 30 countries
Media Information: Paul Ferguson 0141 566 4515 / 07702665924