ENVIRONMENTAL community projects have been given a £100,000 funding boost by the ScottishPower Green Energy Trust.
The Trust has unveiled its latest round of successful funding applicants, which include an innovative solar power project and a sustainable energy-saving alternative to outdated storage heating.
The eight projects which will receive their share of the funding come from all over the UK from Aberdeen in the north to a school project in London.
Alison McKean, Head of Environment for ScottishPower Energy Retail, said:
“This latest round of funding really reflects the diversity of the projects which the ScottishPower Green Energy Trust awards grants to. Geographically we are helping community projects from one end of the country to another showing that ScottishPower really is leading the way in helping promote renewable energy at grass roots level.”
Among the projects to receive funding this time around are Dunscore Pre-school in Dumfries and The Windmill Centre in Arbroath.
The Green Energy Trust celebrated its 10th anniversary this year and has made an important contribution towards promoting the use of renewable energy during its first decade.
The Trust has supported a diverse range of projects in this time, many of which would have been unable to proceed without its support.
Alison said: “The Green Energy Trust will grant up to half the cost of the chosen renewable technology – with a maximum award of £25,000 - but most projects receive around £10,000.
“The maximum amount would only be awarded to a project that really stands out and grabs the attention of the Trustees. We always look for projects that have a really strong community benefit and wider educational element and deliver value for money. We are only a small Trust with limited funds so the Trustees are always looking for that special element that makes a project stand out from the others.”
To find out more about the ScottishPower Green Energy Trust log on to www.scottishpowergreentrust.co.uk
Notes to editors
- The Scottish Power Green Energy Trust supports the development of new renewable energy sources in the UK. It offers grants and awards for new renewable and educational projects that will lead to an increase in the use and knowledge of renewable energy sources.
- It supports projects that advance renewable energy and that support communities through education and public engagement. Renewable technologies supported so far include small-scale hydro, wind power, biomass, landfill gas, solar energy and ground source heat pumps.
- Every year the trust generates an income of around £150,000 with between £50,000 and £60,000 available at each trustees meeting.
- The groups awarded funding in this latest round Timespan Solar Panel Project, Sutherland, Wind Turbine for Technology Excellent Centre, Norwich, St Michael;s Solar School Project, Lancashire, Parish Room Project, Derbyshire, Windmill Centre Heating, Arbroath, Tullynessle and Forbes Biomass, Aberdeenshire, Sunscore Pre-School in Dumfries and the Marshgate Solar Power Project in London.