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Energy Giant Invests Extra Million to Help Fight Fuel Poverty


SCOTTISHPOWER today announced that it is quadrupling its investment to £4m in a Trust set up to help vulnerable people who are living in fuel poverty.

Iberdrola and ScottishPower are among the three largest electricity groups in Europe, and the world’s number one renewable energy operator.

The announcement was made by ScottishPower’s Chief Executive José Luis del Valle, alongside Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, at an event hosted by Tricia Marwick MSP.

Also in attendance were MSPs from across Scotland and representatives from Scottish projects, which have benefited from the Trust since its launch in 2006.

Ann Loughrey, ScottishPower’s Head of External Business and Community Relations and The Energy People Trust’s Company Secretary, said: 

“We are delighted that ScottishPower is able to quadruple the amount of money donated to the Energy People Trust to £4 million as this means even more organisations who qualify for funding can be assisted financially. Today is very important for us as we wanted to showcase the Trust to MSPs.”

Deputy First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, said:
“It’s encouraging to see energy companies like ScottishPower recognise that there are many families and vulnerable people suffering from fuel poverty in this country and addressing the issue through a charity like the ScottishPower Energy People Trust. Offering financial assistance to organisations, and in turn individuals, is a very important step in alleviating fuel poverty.
"Events like today are important for raising awareness of the impact the funding has made to these organisations and it is great to see what they have been able to do and how many vulnerable people have been assisted."

This event was organised to celebrate the Trust’s outstanding work in Scotland, where projects, which have benefited from the Trust, were able to highlight significant benefits that the funding has brought to their area.

Since the ScottishPower Energy People Trust was launched in January 2006, with an initial £1million investment, it has funded 32 projects in Scotland and assisted over 60,000 individuals who are living in fuel poverty.

Ann continued…

“We launched the ScottishPower Energy People Trust with an initial investment of £1million to assist organisations that help some of society’s most vulnerable people and we have supported projects that are doing some fantastic work with children and young people, families and the elderly.

“Over 2 million households across the UK suffer from fuel poverty which brings misery to the lives of those affected.

“This is why we commissioned independent research on how to help eliminate the issue. The results showed that it would have a greater impact if funds were directed to organisations that work at grassroots level to eradicate fuel poverty, which is why we decided to set up the Trust.”

Unlike any other Trust, the ScottishPower Energy People Trust directly funds other charities and groups such as Women’s Aid and Barnardos that help vulnerable and disadvantaged young people who are leaving care and setting up home for the first time or women and children requiring emergency housing and crisis funding.

For further information on the ScottishPower Energy People Trust, email directly to or call 0141 568 3388 and ask for the ScottishPower Energy People Trust.

For more information contact:

Gillian Hamilton at The BIG Partnership, on 0141 333 9585 / 07734 656 676 or email


Kate McCheyne at The BIG Partnership on 0141 333 9585 / 07766 076 469 or email

Note to Editors:

  • The ScottishPower Energy People Trust does not provide funding directly to individuals but provides funding to not for profit organisations, which represent the vulnerable/fuel poor. People described as living in fuel poverty are those who spend more than 10% of their income on energy bills.
  • There is no time limit in organisations applying for funds as The Trust is a long term registered charity. The decisions on the awards to organisations are made independent of ScottishPower by the Board of Trustees of the charity.
  • To apply for a grant from The ScottishPower Energy People Trust, log onto or email or call 0141 568 3388.
  • Since its launch The ScottishPower Energy People Trust has committed over £1.3 million to 32 projects around Scotland, assisting over 60,000 individuals.
  • The ScottishPower Energy People Trust is just one of a number of ScottishPower initiatives which assist some of the UK’s most vulnerable people. As well as working closely with the Citizen’s Advice Bureau, ScottishPower employs Community Liaison Officers who visit people in their homes. The energy supplier has also insulated thousands of homes across Britain through its Energy Efficiency Commitment and has been closely involved in the Home Heat Helpline; the first of its kind in the UK to focus primarily on tackling the issue of fuel poverty.
  • The Trust is administered by a board of independent trustees from Energy Action Scotland, National Energy Action and Glasgow University Urban Studies among others, and the added donation means more cash is now for available to assist those who need it most.
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